Did everyone have a great time? Our trip to Zoorasia was a complete success! I was so happy with how well everyone behaved, and with how much they enjoyed seeing the animals! We learned so many things about the animals, and really loved pretending we were on a safari in Africa! I hope we can have another field trip soon!
Hello,This is Serena? 年中・年長児のみなさん、遠足の楽しかった思い出はパパやママに話せたかな?Mr.MとTeresa先生も参加し、大いに盛り上がりましたよ!
①No standing
②If you’re sick, please tell teacher
③When getting off/on, do not jump
① Always holding hands
② Be nice to other friends
③ Follow teacher
★The children were so excited to ride the Kitty Bus for the first time! When Joseph asked “We are going to...?”, everyone answered together with excitement “Zoorasia!!”Afterwards, the students listened intently to the bus rules. I was impressed by their liveliness.
子どもたちは、初めて乗るキティバスに終始興奮状態!「We are going to…?」というJoseph先生の質問に「Zoorasia!!!」と声を合わせて張り切って答えていました。そしてその後のバスルールのお話は顔を見てしっかり聞いている子どもたち。そのメリハリに感動しました。
★Sometimes we would pass by manmade snakes and alligators, but the children would say together, “Wow! We’re not scared!!!”
時折置いてある、造りものの蛇やワニに向かって「Wow! …We’re not scared!!!」と大きい声で言いながら通り過ぎていきました。(笑)
★While looking at the Okapi family, the children thought about who was mommy and who was daddy. “I think this is mommy.” “Yeah, and over there is daddy.”
オカピの家族を見た子どもたち。「I think this is mommy」「Yeah, and over there is daddy」と想像しながら話していました。
★At lunch time we all shouted “Let’s eat!”♪ While showing friends their lunchboxes, they all ate the delicious meals! “Yummy?”
「Let’s eat!」の掛け声でお弁当タイム♪友達とお弁当を見せ合いながら「Yummy?」とおいしそうに食べていました。
★A rhinoceros showed us its backside, and then sat down. The children didn’t think it looked so well, so they all cheered it on with words like, “Get better Rhino!” “Cheer up Rhino!”
私たちにお尻を見せて座っていたrhinoceros。その姿を見て元気がないと感じた子どもたちは「Get better Rhino!」「Cheer up Rhino!」と声を合わせて応援していました。可愛すぎますね。
★We also discovered dinosaur fossils! When we asked, “What’s this?”
the children immediately answered with, “This is Serena! A cheetah ate her! ”No, this one is Joseph!” Are they comedians? Or is this the power of expression? I want to know.
恐竜の化石を発見した私が「What’s that?!」と聞くと、「This is Serena!」「Cheetah ate her!」「No, this one is Joseph!」と即座に答える子どもたち。このお笑い?表現力?見習いたいです。
Leave the baking to the professionals!
今日は学童クラス夏休みのSpecial lesson day! Joseph先生と一緒にBakeryロールプレイをしました。KIS特製のお祭はっぴにCook hatを被って、やる気まんまんです!「May I help you
?」「How much is this?」「It’s $2.」など、実際に海外で買い物ができる実践的な英会話を楽しみました!
Friends forever.